We care for our planet and the people on it. Every day we are committed to redefine the way we do business to find better and more sustainable ways to produce our garments. Therefore, we have started a journey towards becoming more sustainable, which we call ‘Redefine together – our responsibility’.
“We redefine” is one of our core values. The fashion world is ever-changing and always redefining trends and fashion. To redefine is also essential to the way we work with sustainability, as it forces us to always think about alternative ways to do business and become more sustainable, by redefining and challenging our existing business procedures. This means that we look at the materials we use, the amount of plastic we use, how we dispose of the waste we produce, and in general how we can change our work procedures for the better. Instead of making a sustainable capsule collection or a single organic T-shirt, we have decided that a certain percentage of the materials across brands and collections will be sustainable.
We invite our customers on this journey together with us because we can’t do it alone. We and you, our customers, need to take on this responsibility together. Each of us can do something, even if it’s just a small thing such as saying no to a plastic bag in the store.